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Chat: Standalone script

Commands: VORP, RSG, RedEM-RP, ESX, QBCore, VRP

❗ You can add your own framework in a specific file (see here).

esfer_chat - Chat system with HeavyRP style

This chat gives the server a classic HeavyRP style to the player-to-player communication system. In addition, it features custom and incredible commands to enhance the text-based roleplay experience, including some new features such as a masking system to hide the real name of the game chat.

Apart from this wonderful chat system, it includes a command created by us to save the chat logs in order to view them, save them, send them...

FiveM preview video

Preview video of FiveM

RedM preview video

Preview video of RedM


Chat script

Config.DisableIniciatedPrint When the script has started, the console will print a message notifying that the chat has iniciated succesfully.

Config.SaveChatLogsCommand The name of the command to copy the logs of the whole chat.

Config.SolidChatCommand The name of the command to display a black screen to facilitate screenshot capture of the chat.

Config.PrintMessages All messages displaying in the chat will print in the F8 in-game console.

Config.ShowWritingSymbol Turn on or off the typing indicator function.

Config.ShowOwnWritingSymbol Only if Config.ShowWritingSymbol is true. Show your own typing indicator in the game.

Config.WritingSymbol Only if Config.ShowWritingSymbol is true. The text shown to indicate that a player is typing a command.

Config.ToggleVisibilityWritingSymbolCommand Only if Config.ShowWritingSymbol is true. Toggle the visibility of the typing indicator.

Config.ZTextOffsetWritingSymbol The height were the typing indicator will be at.

Config.CommandChatFontSize The name of the command to change the size of the font.

Config.CommandChatFont The name of the command to open the menu to change the font of the chat.

Config.LicenseType What license type will the script use to save all data.

Chat commands script

Config.Framework Select the type of framework that your server has.


In this list are all the available commands, it is important to note that you cannot add or remove them, so if you want to add a new one, you can suggest it on the Discord server.

Image of the list of commands

Each command comes with its respective options. Here we will explain each one:

  • defaultChat This option is only available for the /say command. This will cause the command to run automatically when you type in the chat without running any other commands. Example when this option is set to true: "Hello, my name is Fernando". --> Then the server will execute the command for you, in case it is set to false, the command will return nothing and nothing will be executed in the chat by the script.
  • commands These are the different ways of calling this command.
  • color The colour of the command for the player who writes it and for the player who hears it if he is within 5 metres.
  • color10 The colour of the command for players who are listening to it between 5 and 10 metres from the player speaking.
  • color15 The colour of the command for players who are listening to it between 10 metres or more from the player speaking.
  • radius How loud the player speaks, i.e. people within that radius will receive the message.
  • discordWebhook The webhook for messages to be recorded in a Discord channel or a third-party application.
  • discordMessage The message this webhook will receive.
  • radiustotalk The minimum radius in which the player must be in order to be mentioned.

In addition, it is important to remember that you cannot add more options to the commands, you can only edit the existing ones.

How to fade automatically the chat

To make the chat fade out over a period of time, you will need to go to the chat/html/config.js file and change the hideChat option to true. Also, if you want to change the time period in which the chat fades out, you should change the amount of fadeTimeout to the desired amount, keeping in mind that the amount should always be in milliseconds.

window.CONFIG = {
  hideChat: false, 
  hideChat: true, 
  fadeTimeout: 25000,
  suggestionLimit: 5,

How to add your own framework

To add support for the chat commands to your own framework or another framework that is not supported by the script by default, you will need to go to the esfer_rpchat/sv_frameworks.lua file and make your settings there.

Depending on the framework, it can be inserted into the code in one way or another. You will have to check the documentation of that framework.

if Config.Framework == 'esx' then
    ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()
elseif Config.Framework == 'customFramework' then 
    customFramework = exports['framework_core']:getMainCode() -- Here you trigger your framework (normally they say how to do that in their documentation web). 

Getting character name:

function GetRealPlayerName(src)
    elseif Config.Framework == 'customFramework' then 
        local firstname = customFramework.firstName 
        local lastname = customFramework.lastName 
        return firstname .. ' ' .. lastname 

And then, change Config.Framework:

Config.Framework = 'vorp' 
Config.Framework = 'customFramework' 

How to create your own command

To add your own command to the server, you must create a new script and use server-side files to do that with esfer_rpchat support.

To do this, create the server-side file and register a command with some data like playerName and args. Like this:

RegisterCommand('COMMANDNAME', function(source, args, rawCommand)
    args = table.concat(args, ' ')
    local src = source

    local User = VorpCore.getUser(src)
    local playerName = User.getUsedCharacter.firstname .. ' ' .. User.getUsedCharacter.lastname

    -- Check if the player has executed a command with text inside (example: /COMMANDNAME Hello).
    if args == '' or not args then

    TriggerClientEvent('esfer_rpchat:sendProximityMessage', -1, source, ('%s says (combat): %s'):format(playerName, args), {255, 255, 255 --[[ RGB COLOURS ]]}, 15 --[[ RADIUS ]], true --[[AVOID "LOS" FUNCTION]])
end, false)

Then, you must use a trigger of the rpchat script to tell the server to execute that command in our script. There are different triggers for different options, such as executing a command by proximity or globally.

Trigger: esfer_rpchat:sendProximityMessage

Commands to send by proximity within a certain radius. Example: /say, /me, /do...

TriggerClientEvent('esfer_rpchat:sendProximityMessage', -1, source, ('%s makes: %s'):format('Test Test', 'This is a sample text.'), {255, 255, 255}, 15, true)


  1. -1 The players who will receive the message (-1 = global).
  2. source The player executing the command (source = player executing the command).
  3. ('%s makes: %s'):format('Test Test', 'This is a sample text.') The text to be displayed in the chat. 'Test Test' needs to be replaced by the character name. args is the text that the player says after the command (example: "/make A knot with the rope to hold the wooden board.").
  4. {255, 255, 255} The colour of the command.
  5. 15 The proximity radius. Earlier we mentioned that everyone will get the message, but having this option will make it check that everyone who has received the command is in a radius to receive the command.
  6. true Avoid LOS? (See what is LOS)
What is LOS?

LOS is a function added by FiveM that can be used also in RedM to checks if entity1 has a clear line of sight to entity2. This means that this function checks if the executor of the command has a clear line of sight to the receptor. If the executor and the receptor has it, then it allows the script to execute the command, if not, the script won't allow the receptor to hear the command.

(Link 1 - See more reference here)

(Link 2 - See more reference here)

Explication of LOS function in FiveM

🔔 Update 1.1: Custom the chat

Image of the feature of the update 1.1

Image of the feature of the update 1.1

Released under the GNU General Public License v2.0.