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esfer_clansystem - Clan system

This clan system gives players on the server the possibility to have their own groups and clans hosted in different areas of the map, as well as having a cache of weapons and money.

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Required scripts

This resource must be runned with the following scripts:

pNotify (Optional, for notification system).

See here for more.


See the basic configs here.

Config.Blip If the script show the clan's blip, select which blip will appear.

See the list of blips here.

Config.LimitInventory The limit set to the clan's inventory.

Export functions

Client Side

getCurrentClanName Gets the name of the clan the player is currently in.

Example use:

print('Name of the clan: ' .. exports['esfer_clansystem']:getCurrentClanName())

(Returns nil if the player isn't in a clan)

getCurrentClanId Takes the ID of the clan the player is currently in.

Example use:

print('ID of the clan: ' .. exports['esfer_clansystem']:getCurrentClanId())

(Returns nil if the player isn't in a clan)

isLeaderFromClan Returns whether the player is a clan leader or not.

Example use:

print('Is the player leader of the clan?: ' .. tostring(exports['esfer_clansystem']:isLeaderFromClan()))
Server Side

getCurrentClanName Gets the name of the clan the player is currently in.

Example use:

print('Name of the clan: ' .. exports['esfer_clansystem']:getCurrentClanName(source))

getCurrentClanId Takes the ID of the clan the player is currently in.

Example use:

print('ID of the clan: ' .. exports['esfer_clansystem']:getCurrentClanId(source))

isLeaderFromClan Returns whether the player is a clan leader or not.

Example use:

print('Is the player leader of the clan?: ' .. tostring(exports['esfer_clansystem']:isLeaderFromClan(source)))

Released under the GNU General Public License v2.0.